Wiz: Rations to heal himself, mantis doll that release ghost, land mines, and the bandana that give snake infinite ammo.īoomstick: And his cardboard Box to infiltrate the enemy fortress. Wiz: He carry Stun knife that released powerful electrical charges to stun foes.īoomstick: He carry a ton of grenades from Frag grenades, White phosphorus grenades that released powerful flames, anti-tank grenades, stun grenades, gas grenades, smoke grenades, chaff grenades that disrupt electronic sensor equipment, Electromagnetic grenades, liquid nitrogen grenade, and C4 that explode city blocks. But when he need big guns, he take out Assaulted rifles, shotguns, a gun that shoot out beams of light, grenade launcher missiles launcher, and a sniper rifle. Wiz: He have Nanomachines inside his bloodstream that reduce the effects of diseases to having anti-freezing peptide to prevent ice forming inside his blood.īoomstick: When entering dangerous places, he carries M9 that can shoot tranquilizer that can even stop elephants, Deset eagle that have nine round mag, and many small weapons. Wiz: He wears a stealth suit that is invisible to night and thermal images that can change colors to the background with even the texture changing, his solid eye that can see with night vision to show up the alignment of the target in red, and Nanomachine-based of communication that is completely silent to an outside viewer.īoomstick: He got the help from Otacon who is chief engineer who can hacked into anything when he rescued him from Shadow Moses Island. What amazing retirement, maybe that what I should do when I retire! But again and again he stop the evil from using Metal gears to destroy the world. Kio Marve and destroy the rumor Metal gear.īoomstick: Again he went to retirement but instead to the Alaskan Wilderness to become a dogsled racer. Wiz: His first mission is to infiltrate Outer Heaven to rescue Gray Fox when he learn that the invention of Metal gear that can launch a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world where he destroy it where he enter his early retirement when Foxhound called him again to save Dr. Solid Snake: I’m just a man who’s good at what he does. That where he reported by the Foxhound to becoming the greatest solider of all time! They are Solid snake and Liquid snake.īoomstick: Solid snake was given his name David to be raised in the United States by a foster family when he joined Green berets as a teen to infiltrate western Iraq during the Gulf war.

Wiz: They injected Big boss D.N.A into a healthy Japanese mother egg cells with the six of the babies aborted to promote the growth of the two clones. Well, they use the genes from big boss to create twins for the Patriots if Big boss abandon their organization. Wiz: Solid snake, the hero who make the impossible possible, he is the result of a secret government project," Les Enfants Terribles," that is the purpose to make the perfect Soldier.īoomstick: Wow, we can't escape the super soldier can't we. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to see who would win a Death Battle! Wiz: And Solid snake, The man Who Makes the Impossible Possible! Wiz: While some characters just rush in gun blazing, some use the art of stealth and hide in the shadows waiting to strike.īoomstick: So, pretty much any foes who face these two should watch their backs, like Agent 47. Agent 47 Vs Solid Snake, which of these two stealthy characters will win in Death Battle?